Our Business


Our Business

Discover, in this section, the organizational structure of Latin America, our strategy and the developments of innovation fronts, our brands and new businesses, culture, and management of the value chain.


Governance and Leadership in Latin America

Get to know our Executive Committee and how the decisions on strategy and market, investments and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) impact are articulated in Natura &Co Latin America.

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Business combination

A comprehensive look at Wave Two, the operational and commercial integration process of Natura and Avon businesses in Latin America, check out the first results of this journey and our next steps.

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Impact measurement: IP&L, our integrated management tool

By expanding the scope to an integrated look at Natura &Co Latin America operations, Integrated Profit and Loss (IP&L) determined that for every R$1 in revenue, our operations in the region generate R$2.7 in positive socio-environmental impact. The result includes the impacts of the Natura business and also of Avon in the countries where the combination of operations has already been carried out: Peru, Colombia and Brazil.

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Omnichannel business

Discover our advances in the omnichannel journey. Check out how our business model is articulating the different channels to offer a new experience better connected with the needs of our brands' customers in Latin America during the year 2023.

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Relationship selling

Relationship Selling is a powerful vector of prosperity for millions of people. Discover in this chapter how we renewed the model by improving the value proposition we offer to our network of Beauty Consultants and Representatives to improve their quality of life.

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New Business

Discover the evolution of Emana Pay, our financial services platform available to the network of Beauty Consultants and Representatives, which reached more than 800 thousand active accounts in Brazil and increased the offers of services and financial education to strengthen our network's businesses.

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Our Brands

Discover the activities of our brands Natura, Avon, and The Body Shop in Latin America, with emphasis on their positioning, innovations, certifications, recognitions, and certifications.

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Innovation, science, and knowledge

Check out more about the innovation processes in our R&D area, the new structure of our Innovation Centers, our open innovation structure and our work with startups, as well as the progress in the use of artificial intelligence and new technologies that have marked Natura's &Co Latin America’s in 2023.

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Natura &Co Culture Latin America: the journey of our employees

Maintaining half of women in leadership, guaranteeing a decent salary for 100% of our employees in Latin America and eliminating salary differences that cannot be explained by gender are some of the goals that make us proud of our people management in 2023, learn more about our organization's culture and other highlights of the year.

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Value Chain Management

In line with Commitment to Life, we work to ensure development, compliance, quality and positive socio-environmental impact for our business partners, with relevant progress in 2023.

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